Page 27 - Book5E
P. 27

• Pay close attention to what the price is . Remember to send in the rebate coupons. Don’t be influenced by things that seem to affect the price, but really don’t, like those little signs on the shelf proclaiming “great value.” Don’t assume a large size is
a better price than the small size. Check everything out.
• Never shop when you’re hungry . This should be a plaque on your wall. If you’re hungry, everything looks good. You’ll get home with more than you’ll eat.
• Use coupons . You can save quite a bit. It’s worth the time it takes to clip and organize them.
• Try different brands . The brands you know usually cost more, and you might find that you like a less expensive brand better. We’ll talk more about brands on pages 25-26.
• Try to avoid buying too many perishables . Fresh fruits and vegetables are really good for us, but they don’t stay fresh for very long. Get in the habit of only buying as much as you will eat in the next few days to avoid having to throw a lot away.
• Try to avoid buying large quantities than you will not use before the product expires . Buying a 32 ounce bottle and then throwing it away when it has gone bad will cost you more than the smaller size.
Make a List
Making a list before you shop helps you save money. It’s as simple as that. How many times have you been to the store and walked up and down the aisles to see if there’s anything you forgot? The stores are counting on the fact that you will probably do this. A well-prepared list is the best way to avoid impulse buying. Whether it’s shopping for school clothes, holiday gifts, or the week’s groceries, plan ahead. Know what you want before you walk out the door.
 Become a Shopping Pro

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