Page 8 - Workbook2E
P. 8
Describe when you’ve felt truly successful and were making things happen for yourself:
2. Have You Ever Felt Unsuccessful?
Write about a time when you felt unsuccessful or not in control of a situation or your destiny:
What’s the Difference?
Most likely the difference between the times you felt successful and the times you didn’t is whether or not you made good choices. When you’re making good choices, often no challenge is too great or too difficult to overcome. But it’s easy to become discouraged when you feel like other people or events are controlling your life.
1. When Were You Successful?
Your Choices
Most people experience some happiness when they make responsible choices
in their life and finances. Things are going along fairly smoothly. Then at other times, they feel pressured by outside forces they have little or no control over. Maybe they feel someone else, or something else, is to blame for their situation or lack of success.
“Know yourself,
Don’t accept your
dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.”
~ Ann Landers
4 Workbook 2: Improve Your Financial Life