Page 76 - Workbook2E
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   “If there’s anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.”
~ Carl Gustav Jung
Are Your Children
on Track?
Your children’s attitude
about money and money management are partly revealed by their answers to
the Money Management Quiz for Kids. What’s the source of their attitude about these key issues? They most likely come from both inside and outside your family. Do you have any plans to provide more money management training for your children? The various topics that follow help you get started. But first you need to know a bit more about yourself.
Money-Management Quiz for Parents
This is similar to the youth quiz. The purpose is to spark your thoughts and attitudes about your money management. The questions cover two specific areas: your children’s money and their possessions. Husbands and wives should take this separately and can mark their answers in the Notes section of the workbook.
 $ Quiz For Parents
Check your answers “T” for True and “F” for False.
T F 1. T F 2. T F 3. T F 4.
I consistently give in to my child’s demands for more things, whether or not I think they’ve earned them.
I give my child a regular allowance and allow them to decide how to save and/or spend it.
My child’s room is nearly overflowing with toys and other fun things, largely because my neighbor’s children have the same.
I regularly ask my child to count up all his toys and things, and consider how sensible and useful they are.
  72 Workbook 2: Improve Your Financial Life
The following section helps you consider your answers to each question individually. Then you and your spouse can discuss the results together and any changes you may wish to make. Next the whole family can make plans to improve together. Feel free to make “Notes” in the back section.

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