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  Magazine Sales Scams: Always Read
Between the Lines
When your day’s work is done, sometimes there’s nothing like kicking back with a cool drink and the latest hot magazine. While thousands of consumers purchase magazine subscriptions from legitimate telemarketers every year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports that some unscrupulous sales people trick consumers into paying hundreds of dollars for multi-year subscriptions.
The FTC advises that consumers be cautious of telephone sales pitches for “free,” “pre-paid” or “special” magazine subscription deals. A spur-of-the-moment, impulse purchase could leave you with years of monthly payments for magazines you may not want or could buy for a lot less elsewhere. What’s more, in some states, you’re legally obligated to pay for a subscription once you verbally agree to it.
Sales techniques vary . You should be wary of sales people who:
• Encourage you to buy without giving you your total costs. For example, a salesperson may offer magazines for just a few dollars a week. That could sound like a bargain—until you do the math. You could end up paying hundreds of dollars over several years for subscriptions that sell elsewhere for less.
• Tell you magazines are “free” or “pre-paid” for you and that you’ll be charged only a “processing fee.” The fee may be more than the retail price of the magazine subscription.
• Don’t identify themselves as such or who may not give you the name of their company. They may lead you to believe they represent magazine publishers, or that they’re calling for reasons other than selling subscriptions.

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