Page 87 - Book2E
P. 87
Outflow: spending; expenses; the money that goes out of a business or household for whatever reason.
Periodic Expenses: expenses that are paid only at certain intervals throughout the year and not on a monthly basis such as property tax or automobile registration.
Positive Cash Flow: having more monthly income than is being spent.
Prime Interest Rate: the interest rate charged by banks to their most creditworthy customers (usually the most prominent and stable busi- ness customers); this rate is almost always the same among major banks; adjustments to the prime rate are made by banks at the same time although the prime rate does not adjust on any regular basis.
Reforecast: to revise predicted budgets every three months of a fiscal year as actual income received and expenses paid are compared to the budgets and forecasts made at the beginning of that year.
Resource: a source of supply or support; a natural source of wealth or revenue; a source of information or expertise; something to which one has recourse in difficulty.
Revenue: the total income produced by a given source; income returned by an investment; the yield of any source of income.
Roll-up: as balances are paid in full, the payment rolls up to the creditor with the next smallest balance; accelerates payments, shortens the time of debt, and reduces the amount of money paid before debt is eliminated.
Roth IRA: may be started any year you earn taxable income; money can be deposited up to certain annual limits and is not tax deferrable; earnings are tax free.
Saving: keeping something valuable now to use in the future.
Share Price: the value of the share at a given moment determined by