Page 91 - Workbook2E
P. 91

Dream Builder Register
 Your Dream Account
Sit down in a comfortable spot and dream of all the things you would like to have or do. Ask yourself,“Am I willing to work and save to achieve my dreams􏰀”
􏰁 Now, in the spaces below, write your six most important dreams with 􏰂􏰃 being the most important, 􏰂2 the next important and so on.
􏰁 Next, find out how much each dream might cost and write the amount for each in the “Guess the Cost” column, then add up the total.This is how much you need to save.
􏰁 􏰄inally, the last and most important thing for you to do is deposit money in Your Dream Account.
As you use your Spending Record, you will be asked to save some of your earnings for your dreams.Take the amount you are going to save and decide how much you will apply to each dream, then write that amount in a Deposit column. Each time you earn money keep depositing in Your Dream Account.When you have made four deposits for each dream below, total the amounts and see how close you are to achieving your dreams. If you still need to save more money transfer the totals to the sheet on the next page in the Carry over column and keep saving.You can do this􏰅
     Dream Account
Guess the cost
Deposit 􏰂􏰃
Deposit 􏰂2
Deposit 􏰂􏰆
Deposit 􏰂􏰇
Total Saved
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