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Your Financial Stress Profile—Evaluations Stressor No. 8 Feeling Secure from page 40
Security is the freedom from danger, risk, care, poverty, or destructive stress. You may look to many sources for security, but the ultimate source of security in your life is YOU. Your attitudes toward money, risk, and financial security largely determine the steps you take to care for yourself and those you love. You can school and mold your attitudes to better suit your environment through study and practice. Consider these recommendations based on the results of Your Financial Stress Profile questionnaire.
    You’re currently relatively unconcerned with security in your life and financial affairs.
Your answers make it clear you feel relatively secure within yourself and aren’t compelled to depend on outside sources for your strength. Be aware, this may cause you to be less prepared for financial security later in your life. You’re more willing to take risks than
other people who are around you. Realize you may be more susceptible to ups and downs in your life.
Consider the feelings of your spouse or those around you who may depend on you for their welfare and security. Your lack of priorities in this area may prove stressful to them. Understand they may not think as you do. Concern yourself with others when you make your plans.
Seek opportunities where little or no risk is involved, but where work is required. Look for circumstances that allow you to find stability and balance in your affairs.
   You’re currently moderately concerned with security in your life and financial affairs.
Your answers suggest you’re occasionally willing to take risks to accomplish your goals. Realize these risks can bring increased stress into your
life. Become well informed
on financial subjects to minimize the risks you take: debt liquidation, mortgage acceleration, family trusts, regular investing, accumulating investment and venture capital.
Save a portion of your income regularly and faithfully. This helps you build hedges against the lean days when you’re running on the lower half of the tank.
Pay yourself first. Don’t forget you’re working to build for the future. If you fail to allow something for yourself, you may become discouraged or depressed and increase your stress level.
This is the reward you give to yourself for the work you do and the chances you take. Never invest more than you can afford to lose.
   You’re currently very concerned with security in your life and financial affairs.
Because of your concerns,
you may find yourself making adjustments in your lifestyle to accommodate your need for security.
Trying to deal with these changes may create stress in your life. You may find yourself going to extraordinary means to provide for and protect your financial and job security.
Upgrade your work skills regularly and you’ll insure your usefulness to your employer and the longevity of your job.
Consider pursuing other means to supplement your income after you’ve secured your basic needs.
Look at different options such as a home-based business. Set up a secure retirement plan. It’s becoming more difficult to live on social security at retirement. Find something you love doing that can help you now to provide for your future.
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