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P. 50

Your Financial Stress Profile—Questionnaire
  Rate each statement listed below in terms of the amount of pressure you feel and circle your answer. How strongly would each affect you if you were in that situation?
   You find yourself feeling somewhat jealous because one member of your golfing foursome always seems to be the center of attention
You passively follow the wishes of others on the neighborhood beautification committee; even though you’re convinced their ideas need some improvement
You’re embarrassed to run into some of your important, well dressed business associates in public because you’re wearing your grubby clothes
Your boss fails to heed your hiring recommendations for a position that’s subordinate to you at work
0123 0123 0123 0123
                    Your spouse is critical of your table manners in public 0123 You’re unconcerned when you occasionally bounce a few checks at the bank 0123
          You realize everyone is reverting to the old ‘pecking order’ at your high school reunion—including yourself
You’re at an important social function, and an influential public official singles you out for considerable, but largely unearned, praise
A candidate you’ve nominated for membership in your service club makes several noticeable grammatical errors during his acceptance speech
Without your knowledge or consent, you’ve been drafted to serve as the fund raising chairman for your church
0123 0123 0123 0123
                 This rates the pressure you feel from what others think of you. SUBTOTALS:
            “It is not titles that honor men, but men honor the titles.” ~ Unknown
Now you’re ready to evaluate what your answers mean about you and your finances.
46 Workbook 2: Improve Your Financial Life

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