Page 46 - Workbook2E
P. 46

Your Financial Stress Profile—Questionnaire
  Rate each statement listed below in terms of the amount of pressure you feel and circle your answer. How strongly would each affect you if you were in that situation?
You suddenly realize you’ve just blown your budget buying stuff at a big “sale” 0123
        Your teenage son or daughter has just spent the money you gave him/her for a good pair of shoes on some trendy cheaply made shoes
Your neighbor questions your willingness to drive 30 miles to save a few dollars on garden supplies
You’ve built a one-year supply of food and necessities in storage, but had to sacrifice opportunities for family fun to do it
You grocery shop on a daily basis, preferring not to have too much food in your pantry or refrigerator
You refuse to purchase a new car until you’ve saved enough money to pay cash, preferring not to go into debt
You and your spouse have a serous disagreement over your habit of trying to “keep up with the Jones”
You’re so worried about the money you spent on the new car, you won’t let your teenage son or daughter drive it
You have a few quality things in your sparsely furnished home, rather than a lot of cheap furniture
0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123
                                        You never shop from a list 0123
  This rates the pressure you feel from buying things. SUBTOTALS:
            42 Workbook 2: Improve Your Financial Life
“America is rapidly becoming the land of the spree and the home of the crave!”
~ Anonymous

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